Return Common Sense Leadership to Augusta!
As State Representative for House District 140, which covers Arundel, Dayton and part of Lyman, my mission has always been to help fix what is broken at the State House. Common Sense is almost non-existent in Augusta today, with all of state government in Democratic Party control.
Spend, Spend, Spend is all that’s going on in Augusta. No matter how big surpluses are, it’s never enough for today’s Democrats. Just this year with almost a $400 million dollar surplus (that wasn’t enough) the Democrats stole money out of the Highway Fund and also didn’t fully fund our Nursing Homes or our Veterans Homes. Apparently, “New Mainers” came first.
Remember this: witharound a BILLION DOLLARS of surplus revenue, Maine taxpayers got ZERO relief on their taxes.
Complete Democratic Party control in Augusta is DESTROYING MAINE. With your help, we can try to bring some checks and balances to Augusta. VOTE FOR WAYNE PARRY on November 5th!
Paid for and authorized by Wayne Parry, 851 Alfred Road, Arundel, Maine