LD 2214: Supplemental State Budget for 2024
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill (given April 17, 2024)
LD 1578: National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill (given April 2, 2024)
LD 2003: An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill.
Rep. Parry’s Republican Weekly Radio Address
Click HERE to listen to Rep. Parry’s Maine Republican Weekly Radio Address from June 24, 2023
LD 424: Appropriations Committee Budget Amendment
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill (made on March 30, 2023)
LD 1911: An Act To Prevent the Further Contamination of the Soils and Waters of the State with So-called Forever Chemicals
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill.
LD 1337: Increase Affordable Housing and Reduce Property Taxes
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill.
LD 1909: An Act to Remove Restrictions on Syringe Service Programs
Click HERE to see Rep. Parry’s remarks on this bill.
On July 3, 2017, I arose on the floor of the Maine House to ask Speaker Sara Gideon two questions during consideration of a state budget to end the shutdown of Maine state government that was ongoing then. Speaker Gideon and the House Democrats wanted to push through a tax increase on hotel and motel lodgings that was not needed to balance the state budget (as is required under the Maine constitution). But they still pushed pushed for it and shut down the state government over it. I specifically asked Speaker Gideon if Governor LePage would sign the proposed state budget if she took out that tax increase. She said he would. Click HERE and HERE to view the two videos of my exchanges with Speaker Gideon.

Over 80 Democrats thought raising your home heating fuels by 40 cents a gallon was a good idea, including my opponent!